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Navigating Changes in Life–Lean In

Have you given yourself permission to explore your dreams? You know the ones that you’ve had since you were a child? Flying an airplane, hiking Mt Everest, running a marathon, learning how to ________ ? So often we let go of those childhood dreams labeling them as childish and diminishing that part of ourselves. And sometimes, when we least expect it, a piece of those long buried dreams surfaces and takes us by surprise.

A photo by Mathew MacQuarrie.

What if you gave yourself permission to name one of those dreams and bring it out of hiding? What would you do if you discovered that you already have parts of what it takes to make that dream reality?

Maybe there is something that is holding you back, blocking your way forward, and it just feels insurmountable. And so you tell yourself it’s impossible. What if the impossible became possible with some changes in the way you think about your life? What would those changes be?

For the next 31 days I’m going to invite you to lean into change. Maybe you are challenged by sorting and decluttering. Maybe your challenge is determining what needs your time and attention first. Perhaps you deal with feeling overwhelmed with all the things that need attention so you do something entirely different with the time you have.

I know each of those places. All.too.well.

That’s exactly why I want to encourage you right where you are. I know how hard it is to make consistent progress toward a goal or goals. I know what it’s like to lose sight of your dreams. I have battled feeling overwhelmed with all that needs doing. I know the challenge of determining priorities and the hardest part of all: following through.

Sometimes the greatest challenge is simply believing you’re worth it and showing up to do the work. Click To Tweet

Over the next 31 days I promise to point out tools to help you do the work to lean into change; to learn to live the abundant & free life you are meant to live. You see, I believe we are meant for more than simply surviving each day. I believe we are here to thrive, to contribute our skills and talents to help each other,  to build one another up. Sometimes we get so bogged down in the circumstances of life we lose sight of the bigger picture and purpose for this life.

My goal with these 31 posts is not only to share tools but share how they’ve worked when I use them in my own journey. I’ll also share the 1 tip that has made all the difference as I continue to lean into change in my own life, but I’ll save the best for last.

Ready to launch into taking care of the busy-ness, the clutter, the overwhelm? Ready to revisit dreams? Ready to step forward from surviving to thriving? Let’s get started!

Lisa LewisNavigating Changes in Life–Lean In

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