Hi there! I’m Lisa. Thanks for stopping by.
Choosing to work with a coach means you’re recognizing the need for change, yet you’re not quite sure what to do next. Investigating is a great first step!
Your journey of transformation is a process of:
- developing awareness
- learning new perspectives
- gathering tools
- applying new skills
- moving forward with confidence
Here’s what you can expect from me:
My passion is working with individuals and teams who find themselves at a transition point; whether it’s communication or systems related, or integration of career, life and faith. We’ll use the Enneagram, as well as other assessments if you choose; to help facilitate your transition from where you are now to where you, and/or, your team need to grow & go.
Here’s a bit about me:
- I’ve worked as a coach for 8 years.
- Prior to coaching I was an educator for 25 years.
- I’m also a wife, mom of two and now Mimi to three darling grand-littles
- I am an Enneagram 7 who loves learning about people and experiences fun in the outdoors; hiking, biking, and gardening are my three favorites.
- I’m also an avid reader and known to take a book outdoors, too.
- I’m committed to my own learning & transformation
Transformation takes investment of time and resources. You are worth it.
Want to know more? Reach out and schedule a coaching exploration session.
Just click the button below.