
Why Fast Growth Does Not Scale

You want to see change. Change in your organization. Change in the economy. Change in political rhetoric. Change in your career. Change in your relationships. Change in your body. Granted some of those change ideas may not be within your direct influence or control. One thing is universal to all of those areas. Change implies

What are You Noticing?

Photo by Ibrahim Boran on Unsplash It’s a new calendar year. The anticipation for new beginnings, resets, and recommitments that are associated with a new year feel different in 2021. At least in my part of the world. We are still in a raging global pandemic; despite new vaccines being rolled out, all those who are intended to

What’s on Your List?

Are you making a list, checking it twice? I’m not asking about the list of Christmas gift giving. Or whether you’re evaluating who is naughty or nice to receive a lump of coal or a gift. Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash   I’m asking about the list of things you want to do differently in 2021. Dare

When is Avoiding a Challenge a Form of Self-care?

The word for 2020 turns out to be UNPRECEDENTED not VISION like I first thought. (2020 Vision—catchy right? Oh well) Photo by David Travis on Unsplash If you’re a word nerd like I am you probably have noticed the frequency of the use of the word unprecedented. The dictionary definition is “Never been done before.” Well, that’s not

Why Am I So Tense?

We are in our 27th week of pandemic life in the United States. We have record breaking unemployment in our country. Fires rage in the western US and fire season isn’t over. Hurricane season has brought five category 3+ storms so far and the season doesn’t end until November 30. We are 54 days from

3 Compelling Reasons to Simplify Your Decision Making Process

Let’s get honest: You wear too many hats. Daughter. Friend. Leader. Co-worker. Let’s add some more: wife, mother, sister, grand daughter, cousin, neighbor, church member, committee member, PTA/PTO member, pet owner, home owner, car owner, AND the list goes on. If you are a parent of school age children you can add teacher to the

What Does Listening Have to Do with Wisdom?

We are living history in real time. The events that have transpired in the US in the midst of this global pandemic have been gut-wrenching, eye-opening and mind-blowing. I keep returning to these three statements: I am so sorry. I am listening. I am learning. I keep looking at the role model I have chosen

How Can I Move Forward When I Feel Like I’m Sinking in Place?

These are unprecedented times. Unprecedented times require new action to keep moving forward. I keep listing ideas and circling next best steps and yet… (This is a screenshot of the music video Atlas Seven by Sleeping at Last.) Right now, I imagine many of you are feeling a bit like this lyric. We’re still sheltering