
“What kind of old woman are you growing?”

A startling question in your mid-thirties but one that gets your attention. It was posed to me when I was 39 and it’s been shaping my life ever since.

Do you facilitate a group, or groups, of women who need encouragement? Perhaps you’ve discussed the challenges of finding meaning and purpose as you learn to navigate the second half of life?

I help women recognize the vital ways their strengths, skills and experiences weave together to form their unique offering in the world. Knowing who you are and Whose you are is so valuable as you move into the second half of life. You will be reminded of Truth so you learn to lean forward with joy and purpose.

I use multimedia to enhance your group’s listening and learning experience as well as activities to keep our time together meaningful and well-paced.

If your group prefers a remote event, I have the tech to make that happen!

Sample Topics:

Connect the Dots of Work, Life and Faith

Chosen Women, Choosing Wisely

Change is Hard, but Change is Good: Pursuing Personal Growth

Growing through Grief

The Enneagram at Work in Life.

For more information and to book Lisa as your Event Speaker, please fill out the contact form below:

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Lisa LewisSpeaking