All posts tagged: mindset

What Would Your Life Be Like IF You Consistently Showed Yourself Grace?

Picture this: Photo by Brandless on Unsplash you’re stirring soup in a pot on the stove. The phone rings and you turn to answer it; your sleeve catches the handle of the pot and pulls it off the burner and onto the floor, splashing hot soup on you, the floor, everywhere in reach. What’s your reaction? Mine is

Is It Possible to Gain a Sense of More Without Feeling Weighed Down?

In my reflection post yesterday I spoke about mindset. It’s not something we see but it affects everything we say or do because mindset guides our thoughts. In 2006 Mindset by Carol Dweck was published. It is the seminal book on the subject, written after years of research at Stanford University. Her work continues to

How Can a Shift of Perspective Move You to Thrive?

When faced with change what is your first internal response? That’s too hard! I can’t do that! That will never work! I tried that before and it was miserable! That’s lame. No way am I doing that! I like things just the way they are. OR Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash Wow that’s interesting! I wonder if

What’s the Biggest Roadblock to Staying on Track toward Goals?

I’ve been quiet on my blog for almost a year. Every time I thought about writing, I drew a blank. I’ve been feeling like I’m not enough: not good enough, thin enough, skilled enough, fill in the blank enough. I couldn’t see a way out of my feelings. I’ve been stuck. There’s a saying in the coaching world that informs my thinking. It goes like this: You can’t coach someone beyond where you have gone yourself. I realized I had gotten stuck in my own life. How ironic, right? I’m a coach to others in many areas but I was stuck and hindered from moving forward in my personal and professional growth.