All posts tagged: personal growth

How Can I Move Forward When I Feel Like I’m Sinking in Place?

These are unprecedented times. Unprecedented times require new action to keep moving forward. I keep listing ideas and circling next best steps and yet… (This is a screenshot of the music video Atlas Seven by Sleeping at Last.) Right now, I imagine many of you are feeling a bit like this lyric. We’re still sheltering

What’s the Biggest Roadblock to Staying on Track toward Goals?

I’ve been quiet on my blog for almost a year. Every time I thought about writing, I drew a blank. I’ve been feeling like I’m not enough: not good enough, thin enough, skilled enough, fill in the blank enough. I couldn’t see a way out of my feelings. I’ve been stuck. There’s a saying in the coaching world that informs my thinking. It goes like this: You can’t coach someone beyond where you have gone yourself. I realized I had gotten stuck in my own life. How ironic, right? I’m a coach to others in many areas but I was stuck and hindered from moving forward in my personal and professional growth.