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How Does Choosing Rest Demonstrate Lifelong Learning?

Originally I intended to write a post today focused on the power of lifelong learning.

I chose instead to give space for each of us to rest.

Photo by Sid Leigh on Unsplash

How does choosing rest demonstrate lifelong learning?

It’s taken me decades to recognize the long term benefits of pushing pause and making time to really rest. Rest is a challenge when you think everything must be done before you have earned time to rest. Rest is impossible if you’re driven by the to do list and expectations of others.

Rest is demonstrated by God in the Old Testament and expressed in many ways by Jesus in the New Testament. It must be good.

So today, the second Sunday of Advent, the theme for the week is Peace.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

I realized that pushing pause today was a gift of peace I could give my sweetheart and myself.

I chose to spend time with my *Hubster all day. I stayed away from the computer. I only glanced at the socials (social media platforms) while he was choosing to read the news. It was truly a peaceful day.

How long has it been since you truly rested?

Action step: make a list of ways you dream of resting. Choose one and practice it this week. Write down how it sounds to give yourself the gift of pushing pause.

*Hubster — definition from Urban Dictionary— This is a man that is not only a husband to a woman but he is a companion. Someone that loves his wife completely and utterly. He understands her in every situation and makes any and all the effort to make her happy. He is truly a best friend, he is that one person whom she finds comfort in and can tell anything to. Not only does he pertain to all these qualities but he is also kind, sweet, loving, and a completely honest person. He is a one of a kind man that all girls want to have, but when he chooses that one girl for him, it is all he can think about. He is truly the best husband a woman can have.

Lisa LewisHow Does Choosing Rest Demonstrate Lifelong Learning?