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What Can Four Letters Say About You?

Photo by Susan Holt Simpson on Unsplash

If you were given only four letters with one word for each letter and were told to pick the one letter that describes you best, would you be able to do that?

Would one word or letter be sufficient to describe you?

Here are your letters:

D – Driver

I – Innovative

S – Supportive

C – Conscientious

Pick the one that encompasses you best.

This is NOT how this assessment is actually given. This is an oversimplified representation of the DiSC profile. It is often used in organizations whose goal is getting the most efficient, functional teams. Knowing how you show up in a work setting can be incredibly insightful when you’re a part of a team.

You are far more complex than one letter can state. But it is a starting point.

What if you could only choose one thing about yourself to focus on developing? We’ve spent almost twenty days answering reflective questions, considering what elements we want to represent our life when we’re thriving and likely feeling like there are so many things that could have attention. I imagine you’re a bit like me and recognize I either need to narrow my focus or give up altogether.

Let’s choose to narrow the focus for the remainder of the journey.

Photo by Chase Clark on Unsplash

Action step: look over your awareness lists: head, heart and body. What one thing in one of those areas do you want to focus on for the rest of your journey to the new year? Set aside all those other ideas. In the remainder of this year I’ll share more tools and exercises that can be specifically applied to your one thing you’ve chosen. If you’d like some accountability let me know what it is.

Lisa LewisWhat Can Four Letters Say About You?

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