My Blog

How Essential is Breathing to Thriving?


Sometimes I like to give the answer right up front. As if you didn’t already know this one. The human body cannot thrive without breathing.

Photo by Tim Goedhart on Unsplash

So why do we hear these sayings so often?

I just need to catch my breath

I feel like I’m drowning (absence of breath by the way)

I’m just trying to keep my head above water

(And any other version of expressing stress)

It’s a busy time. You want to do everything with excellence for all your people. You’re trying to squeeze time out of the long list to give yourself some breathing room.

I want to share a very basic technique that has been scientifically proven to benefit your mind, heart and body.

It’s called square (or box) breathing.

If you can count to four you can do this.

Here’s how it goes:

Empty your lungs of air.

Inhale for four counts; hold your breath for four counts; slowly exhale for four counts; hold your breath for four counts.

Photo by jesse ramirez on Unsplash

Imagine me drawing a box in the air. Starting at the bottom I go up as you inhale, across as you hold, down as you exhale, across the bottom as you hold.

Inhale 2-3-4

Hold 2-3-4

Exhale 2-3-4

Hold 2-3-4

This slowing and intentional breathing interrupts the part of the brain that responds to stress by kicking out cortisol in our systems and causing us to clench ready for fight, flight or freeze. When we’re under a lot of stress our breathing is shallow, we don’t get enough oxygen to help our muscles relax so we get tightness in our neck, shoulders and lower back.

Science, people. I love learning stuff. You’re welcome.

(Image courtesy Disney scrapbook paper photo cred: Me)


“Don’t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.”

– Winnie the Pooh

Action step: practice square breathing when you’re not stressed. Add an optional four count prayer something like this: Thank You Je-sus for your dai-ly grace to me (exhale no words)

I’d love to hear how this practice lands for you.

Lisa LewisHow Essential is Breathing to Thriving?

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