My Blog

Revealing 1 of My Super Powers (and sharing it with you!)

Life in the time of COVID-19.

I find myself phrasing it this way because of the title of the book Love in the Time of Cholera

I’ve not read the book; the rhythm of the words in the title is what sticks to the rhythm of Life in the time of COVID-19.

These are unprecedented times. Never before have we known what is happening around the world as quickly as we are able to now. And never before has the impact of health issues, or the anticipation of impact, been worldwide simultaneously. Unprecedented means it can feel as if we’re building the airplane in the air.

But we’re not.

What are we doing and what we do know?

  1. Grow your Awareness. This is a critical time for practicing self-care to stave off effects of stress. Pay attention to your body signals. What are you aware of? Where do you feel tense? Shoulders, low back, jaw are all common places. Consider Yoga with Adriene on YouTube. Her voice and presence are soothing and fun which is a great combination.
  2. Equip yourself. What tools or resources do you lack to do your best work from home? What about homeschooling your children when you never planned or expected to do that? I have another website where I am posting tips for parents. Learning Along the Way is where you can find learning focused resources. I have also created a YouTube channel Lisa Lewis Coaching where I will be posting more info about the resources and ideas for those of you who are now homeschooling.
  3. Thrive. People who practice these first two points, grow your awareness and equip yourself with tools you need will thrive in this stressful time. Why? You’re putting your oxygen mask on first before helping someone else.

I’m an encourager in case you didn’t know. That’s 1 of my super powers. And I’m sharing it with you.

My posts here and on the socials are intended to give hope and bring a smile to your face. I’d love to know how they’re landing for you. Please share this info with someone you know who can use some encouragement. You can find me on all the platforms at Lisa Lewis Coaching.

G.E.T. into Your Life!

Lisa LewisRevealing 1 of My Super Powers (and sharing it with you!)