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7 Ideas for Your Sanity

If we’re truly going to G.E.T. into our lives then we need resources.

I’m keenly aware of how stressful forced change is. Change is hard to do when you choose to make a change; when circumstances shift without your input that can wreck you. Another term for this forced change is trauma.

We are all experiencing trauma first hand, in real time. If you’ve experienced trauma in other times of your life like I have, I first want to pause and say I’m sorry. That’s awful. I hope you have or are working through it to healing. This pandemic may be triggering you and it’s likely you also developed some way of coping in order to survive. That’s what you’re doing right now; figuring out how to cope. I want to offer resources to you that I am familiar with both for your emotional health and your parenting/homeschool health. These just might be related.

If you are getting triggered at this time, you’re not the only one. Here are two suggestions:

  1. Try Softer by Aundi Kolber
  2. Online Therapy Resources

I’ve been gathering some fun learning at home resources to recommend. Here are four.


  1. Storyline Online 
  2. Audible Stories

At Home Learning Sources

  1. KQED List
  2. is a great compendium of ideas for toddlers to teens

Number 7: My hope is you’ll share these with other parents and help them grow their awareness, equip them with tools to thrive in this new normal which is life.

Lisa Lewis7 Ideas for Your Sanity