40-Day Journey to the New Year

Why Did I Create the Hashtag #letgoleanin?

If this is your first time dropping in here, Welcome! Please allow me to set the stage for what you can expect. I work as a transformational coach whose focus is helping women connect the dots of work, life and faith in order to live an integrated, wholehearted life. You’ve dropped in near the end

2 More Ways to Deepen Faith

In my Transformational coaching practice we focus attention on three main steps in the acronym  G.E.T.: Grow-Equip-Thrive. Each step involves several strategies in the developmental process. What’s the point of this style of coaching? Transformational coaching helps you connect the dots of work, life and faith so you are able to live your life in

Are You Desiring More in Your Faith?

Sitting alone in my front garden, tears streaming, I spoke out a question from deep within, “Don’t you see how hard this is for me God? Don’t You care?” Photo by Ilkka Kärkkäinen on Unsplash This frustration, this anger I was expressing toward God would garner correction in many churches. I’ve heard those voices tell others “oh no,

Can Life Experiments be Playful and not Stressful?

Climbing the 12 foot ladder, my heart racing to a beat of competition fueled by pride, I knew I was going to have to follow through with this dare. No self-respecting 16 year old would turn down an opportunity to jump from an Olympic diving platform earning the bragging rights of accomplishment. This was no

Too Busy. Are You Too Busy?

Waaayyy back in the late 90’s, before Y2K, I had the privilege of co-producing and directing a children’s musical for Christmas at our church. Third through sixth grade children auditioned and were given specific parts while incorporating all the children in the chorus. The name of the musical was Free Gift. It was written by

What If You Don’t Connect with God Like Others Do?

Do you ever feel perplexed by comments you hear regarding how someone learns, feels or experiences God? Some people love to study, researching original languages and their varied meanings and nuances to learn more of God. Others talk about the experience of connection through music or art, while others go on a hike or work

What Would Your Life Be Like IF You Consistently Showed Yourself Grace?

Picture this: Photo by Brandless on Unsplash you’re stirring soup in a pot on the stove. The phone rings and you turn to answer it; your sleeve catches the handle of the pot and pulls it off the burner and onto the floor, splashing hot soup on you, the floor, everywhere in reach. What’s your reaction? Mine is

Another Tool for Your Toolbox? The Enneagram of Personality

Just when you thought you have enough tools to be equipped to thrive, I bring out another one for you to consider! This particular tool is no ordinary assessment. In fact, this tool has been around in various forms at least as far back as the Ancient Greek civilization. It’s been found in ancient writings