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2 More Ways to Deepen Faith

In my Transformational coaching practice we focus attention on three main steps in the acronym  G.E.T.: Grow-Equip-Thrive. Each step involves several strategies in the developmental process. What’s the point of this style of coaching? Transformational coaching helps you connect the dots of work, life and faith so you are able to live your life in an integrated, wholehearted manner; what Jesus identifies as the abundant life. Let’s find out more about each step.

The first of the three steps is Grow.

After 25 years as an educator,  I can assert the first step to growth is develop awareness of the current practices the learner engages in on a regular basis. You as a coaching client need to know what you want to change but even more you need to know Why you want to change. We begin here for two reasons: 1) you can’t change what you don’t realize needs changing;  2) deep structures such as mindset and habit will either help or hinder the work the client chooses to do. Research on the neurobiology we have wired into our brains provides support for working through this process of growing awareness of habits and mindset in order to design effective action steps.

The second of the steps is Equip.

This is where real learning and action takes place. You have developed an awareness of an area that you want to change. Now you need to have tools and strategies to support your growth process. Here’s why you want to go through this process with a coach whether individually or in a group whose focus is similar to yours. I present tools and strategies for you to make choice for the action you are ready and willing to take. You don’t have to go out and find what the best practices are for growth and development. Knowing a variety of tools, applications and time frames is part of my skill set as a coach. Let’s look at an example of how these two steps might look in your own life.

In a previous post I shared a resource for learning new ways of connecting more fully with God than you already are. Let’s say you take the Sacred Pathways inventory and find that you are a Naturalist. In our coaching relationship you have the option to share this finding with me. We would then explore the concept of the pathway of Naturalist identifying how you may already be walking this pathway. Exploring ideas like ‘What could that look like for you to get outdoors more?’ We would co-create an action step to practice between our sessions in your pursuit of deepening your faith. My role is to live out my spiritual gifts in any setting I find myself. I know encouragement and exhortation to be my primary gift; I apply this in coaching in many ways.

Learning your spiritual gifts is another way to deepen your faith. Knowing how God has wired you is the first step to G.E.T. moving in life. There are many inventories out there but here are two you might consider or find one your church or faith community uses. Gifted to Serve Is one. There are several Spiritual Assessment Tools found on this page of LifeWay. 

As you continue to add tools to your toolbox, knowing your spiritual gifts will be an asset as you seek to connect the dots of work, life & faith and move toward Thriving in life.

Action step: consider taking one of the above spiritual gifts inventories. Learn about the gift(s) that were your highest responses. Begin to take action in living out of your gifting(s).

Lisa Lewis2 More Ways to Deepen Faith