Sacred Pathways Inventory

What’s the Point of All These Tools?

You’ve seen the overview of five tools in this blog series: Myers-Briggs Temperament Inventory; DiSC Profile; StrengthsFinders; the Enneagram of Personality; and Sacred Pathways. You’ve encountered the common uses and purposes of these five inventories in five different posts. I’m imagining you might be asking: what’s the point of all these tools? A valid question.

2 More Ways to Deepen Faith

In my Transformational coaching practice we focus attention on three main steps in the acronym  G.E.T.: Grow-Equip-Thrive. Each step involves several strategies in the developmental process. What’s the point of this style of coaching? Transformational coaching helps you connect the dots of work, life and faith so you are able to live your life in

Are You Desiring More in Your Faith?

Sitting alone in my front garden, tears streaming, I spoke out a question from deep within, “Don’t you see how hard this is for me God? Don’t You care?” Photo by Ilkka Kärkkäinen on Unsplash This frustration, this anger I was expressing toward God would garner correction in many churches. I’ve heard those voices tell others “oh no,

What If You Don’t Connect with God Like Others Do?

Do you ever feel perplexed by comments you hear regarding how someone learns, feels or experiences God? Some people love to study, researching original languages and their varied meanings and nuances to learn more of God. Others talk about the experience of connection through music or art, while others go on a hike or work